form communities

this singular imperative drives all of our work to come.

As a Clubhouse, we understand how to develop strong, resilient communities, and we have worked with groups across the country to adapt these lessons to other communities. As a community of peers, we know the lasting healing that comes from mutual support and the importance of always finding new ways to connect with people. And as a leader in developing a peer workforce across the state of Texas, we’ve learned how to reform mental health systems into communities of care at every level.

In a very real way, we intend to meet people – communities, organizations, and even other clubhouses – where they are:

How can community transform lives while building healing and well-being into everything we do?


Our Vision

Change the paradigm of mental health through upstream and preventative approaches to wellness and resilience-building

What We Do

In the basement of Travis Park United Methodist Church, the very first clubhouse in San Antonio was started way back in 2003. Our early years forged a path for social justice on behalf of people who had been left behind by society and a deep belief in the power of community in the healing process.

Today, the San Antonio Clubhouse is the flagship program within form communities, a nonprofit that provides a myriad of solutions to communities near and far.

Community is the Cure

We believe that connecting with others connects you to yourself. In all of our work, evidence-based approaches to recovery reference one of two models: Peer Support and Social Practice. In concert, these approaches allow for communities to grow, heal, and support each other.

How We Do It

Peer Support

Peer Support is a widely recognized, evidence-based approach to the process of recovery. People with lived experience walk alongside someone in a journey of healing.

Social Practice

Social Practice is a specialized form of psycho-social therapy utilizing intentional community to support people in their journeys of mental health recovery.

Our Values


We believe that the power of community is the key to creating lasting change for the better.


We embrace a spirit of curiosity, seeking out new ideas and approaches to better serve our communities.


We celebrate and honor the unique experiences and perspectives of every individual in our communities.


We approach our work with humility, understanding that growth demand an open mind and listening.




We are committed to creating a culture of inclusion, where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

Reach out to us with your questions or find out how you can become an active part of Form Communities’ mission to create a positive impact in Mental Health.

6851 Clubhouse Way, Ste. 100, San Antonio, TX 78229

(210) 899 0434

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